Saturday, February 7, 2009

Too Hot

We have been forewarned that the temperature will hit 44°c today. Because we had a horrible heatwave last week, I thought the days of over 40°c are done for the year. How wrong was I? If what I have been told is accurate, I think I can only just put up with today’s heat. Apparently the cold change will arrive by 6:00pm. I even heard that the temperature will drop 15 degrees in an hour. Hopefully all of that are true because I really don’t want another three consecutive days of over 42°c. According to the weather channel, the temperatures forecasted for the next week or so seem pretty cool. Let’s hope that there won’t be any sudden nasty change.

Today is also 9 months since my beloved Guinea Pig passed away. Although I still miss him and thinking of him on a daily basis, I am glad that he is not here to experience last week’s heatwave and today’s soaring temperatures. It would have been too hot for all little furry friends, not just Guinea Pigs. In the years that we had him, he was less active on such days. He drank more water and moved only to find a fresh spot within his cage to spread out his whole body. We sometimes turned the fan on just for him but somehow I never felt quite comfortable having the fan pointed at him for hours on end. I just didn’t think it was very natural for Guinea Pigs to have fans. Juicy and crunchy cucumbers and a few grapes (occasionally) were always a favourite on hot Summer days. Talking about food, M and I walked pass a big patch of Parsley yesterday. They were grown as part of a display in front of a statue on St Kilda Road. My Guinea Pig would have been over the moon if he had such a big patch of Parsley to tuck into. It would have been a Guinea Pig’s version of All-You-Can-Eat joint. LOL. I did attempt to take a photo but it didn’t turn out right. I will try to take some photos of the parsley when I go for a walk again on Monday/Tuesday. Let’s hope that they are still going to be there then.

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