Sunday, February 28, 2010

Moving or Staying

Lately I have been thinking about what to do with this blog. M has suggested that I should move my blog over to Wordpress. One thing I like about Wordpress is that I can upload a post that is password protected. It might be possible to do something similar on Blogger but I am not so sure. I will have to explore a bit to see if there is such a function on Blogger. When I started this blog in 2008, it was partially because I needed a space to remember my little Guinea Pig and I still do but I am also increasingly aware that my need to write about my (dead) Guinea Pig makes me look like I have gone cuckoo. So it might be wiser to password protect any post about him. Another idea would be to move everything except the posts on my Guinea Pig over to Wordpress for a fresh start and then turn this blog private in loving memory of my beloved pet.

I am going to take a little break from blogging to think about what I want to do but the first thing I have got to do right now is to take down our decorations for CNY.


achan said...

I'll be waiting for your return... just remember to tell us where you go if you want us to follow!!!

BTW I saw a video on youtube this week of an elephant being born!!! WOW is all I can say. It was in Indonesia at an elephant farm, check it out. (sorry it was embedded in someones post and I didn't know how to put the link into your comment box-I'm computer illiterate

Priscilla said...

Thanks for your support Achan. At this stage I am still not sure if I am even going to blog again but if I do, it is likely to be in another format - meaning that I am looking to write about other things.

In case if you are interested, the baby elephant at Melbourne Zoo is named Mali (Jasmine in Thai). They held a Thai style naming ceremony for her last Thursday. 9 Buddhist monks turned up for the ceremony. Mali is just so cute and she has put on 50 kg since birth. She is so cheerful and curious. I wonder if Dokkoon and Bongsu were like that when they were little.