Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Doing the Stretchies

Early on Thursday (14/05) morning, I dreamt about my little Guinea Pig again. It has been some time since I last dreamt about him. In the dream, M was talking to someone on the phone in the bedroom regarding a need to postpone our plans to relocate overseas. I stepped out into the hallway to see that there was something moving inside the Guinea Pig’s cage. I looked in to find my Guinea Pig in there. He was very lively. In fact he looked like a very real, digitally animated version of himself. He was playing with the hay in the corner furthest from me. When he saw me, he decided to show off his new ‘yoga’ skills. LOL. It was hilarious! He balanced himself with his front paws to lift his little bottom in mid-air. Holding on to that pose, he turned to look at me before shaking his bottom (still in mid-air) from side to side. He was smiling! I was amused but I was also thinking and asking, “What are you doing here? I thought you were gone. Oh no, how are we going to move overseas? Are you back for good? Are you fit enough to travel on the plane this time?” He continued to do a few more stretches and then I woke up realising that it was just a dream. I was glad that he popped in for a visit.

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