Monday, March 8, 2010

The Big Storm

Our little pigeon hole was battered pretty bad on Saturday. Here are a few photos for anyone dropping by to enjoy.


achan said...

Loks like a waterfall in the apartment courtyard!!

Love the gnomes expression, it's like 'what the hell is this!!!'

girl Japan said...

OH my gosh? WHOA... it must be getting cold over there now? Hope you didn't have any damage.

Priscilla said...

Hello Achan,

Thank you for your comment. At the time when I took the photo, the gnome was standing in Slurpee. Luckily he doesn't have any feelings in his legs because not long after we bought him (all those years ago), he broke them after a fall and I had to glue them back for him. LOL

By the way, did you hear about Pomtip? She is an elephant at Taronga Zoo and she had just given birth to a calf. On Monday night, I read reports that the calf had died but this morning, I read a new report that she had safely delivered the calf and it is alive! PHEW! A miracle baby! A new friend for Luk Chai! Pomtip was in agony because the baby just won't turn and the other elephants were in distress.

Priscilla said...

Hi GJ,

Thank you for dropping by again.

Strangely, it wasn't all that cold on the day of the Hail Storm. It was humid and calm like the sky was constipated - a sign for hail storm. After the storm, it was coolish and I was still rushing around in T-shirt and shorts.

The ceilings in our bedrooms went bust and both rooms would have been completely soaked if I wasn't home like many people. We are still waiting for the electrician to come back to make sure everything is safe in those two rooms.

achan said...

I just read the news and saw that it was born, wow!!!! After they said it had died on Sunday I was shocked but then to read that that so many first pregnancies end in miscarriage was even a bigger shock.

The little calf isn't out of the woods yet, I hope he pulls through.

Priscilla said...

Apparently she was in labour since the 1st of March! Poor Pomtip. I too hope that the baby will be ok and that Pomtip didn't get injured. Have you ever read this book about a hospital in Africa where they look after women with injuries caused by childbirth?

I am off to clean the pantry. We are having Oyako Don tonight. Hee- Hee. It is just so easy to make.