The following are photos M took when we went to view the MYER Christmas Windows for a second time. M actually wanted me to go and snap photos of the arrival of Santa at the Christmas Parade last Saturday but I flatly refused because I know full well what I am very likely to be subjected to if I rock up at such events. My whole day would have undoubtedly been ruined had I gone that day. We are going back to view the windows again soon to snap more photos and footages. The best time to go is early in the morning or early in the evening - around the time when the shops in the Mall are closing for the day.
Before bed, Olivia left a few cookies and a glass of milk out for Santa but who do you think had them all before Santa's arrival
Wrapping paper went everywhere as the little piglets excitedly uncover their pressies under the Christmas Tree.
That is so cute. I used to love going into Sydney at Christmas time to see the beautiful windows at Grace Bros (now Myer) and David Jones. DJ's always had the best windows and I could stand for hours just looking.
I couldn't help thinking though how Christ is missing out of Christmas these days, especially in the retail world. Without Christ there would be no job for Santa!!!
Hope you experience many more wonderful Christmas events around town in the coming weeks!!
Hi AChan,
At MYER (Melbourne), one window is always dedicated to the Nativity Scene. I have 3 pictures of Baby Jesus but I deliberately left them out because I had wanted to use one for another post.
Thanks for visiting my blog again.
This is adorable..... were you able to get my e-mail.. I moved domains because of a few blozillas and don't want it getting out... I think I have your e-mail address...
Hello Anonymous,
Are you GJ? If its you, I have been trying to get to your blog but was unable to. Were you being harrassed again? OMG
Thank you for posting such good shots. I have been looking to find photos of these windows but have only been able to find a few. As usual Myer seem to have excelled with these different windows that come from a loved children's book. I love that Myer does something different and modern. DJ's on the otherhand have gone rather ordinary and Ho Hum, considering the huuuggge amount of money that is spent on them eaach year.
Hello rgm,
Thank you for leaving me a comment at my blog.
We recently went to DJ hoping to see if they have any special toys for Christmas. We were quite disappointed to find that the range of toys have shrunk! We hope that this is only temporary due to the big renovations going on in the other buildings.
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