I am BACK!!! I never left but was too stressed out to blog.
When I was little, I went through a phase of being totally fascinated by the life cycles of frogs. My Dad built a fountain in the front yard when my brother was little. By the time I came along, he had a type of metal guard installed to prevent me from falling into the water. My parents even grew some water plants with long stems to further block my access to the water. I think I was about six when a boy next door showed me what this frothy stuff (spawn) was at the edge of the fountain. I didn't believe him of course. I even thought that the frothy stuff were some kind of dirt and had to be disposed of to keep our fountain clean. After days of observing the frothy stuff that I can't reach to throw away, I began to witness with my own eyes the miracle called "Complete Metamorphosis". I was totally captivated by what was unfolding. The boy next door taught me how to make a simple net to trap some tadpoles for a closer look. I held some in my hand and I remember thinking that they felt like 'Grass Jelly' (Asian/Chinese food). Quite a few must have died due to my careless handling and overt affection.
Around the same time when I first discovered the tadpoles, my Dad took me and a few cousins to the beach to watch some kind of 'air show'. The first flying machines I saw that day were helicopters. I told everyone that the helicopters looked like tadpoles flying in the sky. Ever since then, helicopters remind me of tadpoles even though there are others who think that they look more like dragonflies.
I blogged about some planes flying over our pigeon hole earlier this month. The planes flew over that whole week to promote the air show at Avalon. Then last Monday (16/03), military helicopters in 3's or 4's began to fly over our pigeon hole. They flew over many times on the 23/03 and 24/03, even at night. I wondered what they were up to. When they did fly really low, the whole pigeon hole shook like whenever the Qantas Jumbo Jet flies over on Australia Day or AFL Grand Final Day. I wish someone can tell me what those helicopters were practising for. Do you think they have something to do with Grand Prix on Sunday?
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