We finally received the photo book we ordered at Big W. We picked it up on Saturday. Before we stepped into the store, we had actually prepared ourselves for further bad news. When I saw the clueless bloke who served us the first time we went there to pick up the photo book, my heart sank. Luckily for us, he wasn’t manning the counter independently that day. Another bloke was there with him. He did however serve us first and when he struggled to find our item, he asked the other bloke for assistance. From my observation, the other bloke must have been the supervisor and seemed to know what he was doing. He found our photo book in an instant and offered to unseal it for our inspection. He also carefully re-packed the photo book into a zip-lock bag.
The photo book turned out ok. Even though it was sealed, there was a minor bend on the front cover. We also didn’t notice faults on one page when we were inspecting the photo book at the store. We were obviously so happy to finally see it there for us to pick up that we missed that page. I will have to apply some magical crafty tricks to fix it. The truth is that I am not happy about it but for the price that we paid - $9.98, I am not willing to go through another round of dealing with them. Despite the faulty page, M is happy with the outcome.
This is the front cover. We really love this photo of our beloved Guinea Pig.
This is the back cover. In the style that we chose, the picture on the front cover extends a little to the back cover.

These are a couple of pages inside.